Jesus, He’s us,
Jesus, He’s us, Jesus,
He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus,
He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us,
Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us,
Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus,
He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus,
He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us,
Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us,
Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus,
He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us, Jesus, He’s us,
Jesus, He’s us,
Jesus, He’s us,
Jesus, He’s us,
...and of course the best news is Jesus has never left us. He waits in the silence of our soul for each of us to quiet our minds, our lives, to finally look inside to see the light that is always there, always loving, always wanting to shine through us. In the end the only distance between God and me is me...When I surrender fully to trusting in the Love that formed these millions of cells to enflesh my spirit I find a peace and love that knows no opposite...It is then we begin to live right now our eternal life. A life that is not this body, and not this brain, a life that is the Light of Christ.
Alleluia, alleluia, AMEN!
As a novice blogger, I was bound to make a gramatical error. That's the reason for deleting my first comments.
I chose to blog because I was attracted to the originator's humble statement, that the blog is about Jesus, not him. Thank you,Joseph for your most compelling invitation.
Praise God for the acts of love extended to us by our Savior. Christmas is about Jesus joining in our humanity. He was born under the most unpretentious conditions, and would die a young man, in a most painful and humiliating way. For most of His life, He would have appeared as the most ordinary of men. It was only during the three last years of His life in which He was able to provide a legacy that would deeply impact millions of lives.
His gift was of no material value, yet it was priceless. It was a gift of love available to all. No one need to measure up to receive it because He also made everyone worthy.
The only real gift we can give one another at Christmas is the same kind of love that Jesus gives to us.
I can only wonder what Jesus would blog at this time of year. I doubt it would be about "black friday",or the world's message concerning the economics of the season.
I'm also not so convinced he would encourage our buying habits and the exchange of expensive gifts we provide for one another as substitute expressions of our own love.
When we observe what we can from Holy Scripture about the lives of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,I feel we would best honor Jesus by also living our lives more simply.
That doesn't mean we need to rid ourselves of TVs, computers, the family car or mom's new Mixmaster. Rather, it's about putting things in perspective. The lesson is about putting "love" at the top of our list. Thank you, Jesus.
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