Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves.”
The greatest case of identity theft in history - The original Bleeding Heart, The Sacred Heart of Jesus, is reinvented as a cultural, economic and political tyrant. The atrocities below have all been committed, directly or indirectly, in Jesus’ name.
He who told the rich man to give all his riches to the poor now supports “trickle down” economics.
He who urged us to forgive our worst enemies now supports retribution and capital punishment.
He who referred to His constituency as “the least among us” now calls his constituency the “haves and have mores”.
He who said “judge not lest you be judged” now condemns people to hell at their own funerals.
He who never wielded a weapon of any kind is now a gun show enthusiast.
He who said “turn the other cheek” now supports pre-emptive war.
He who denounced violence at every turn now calls murder “collateral damage”.
He who chased out the “money changers” from the temple now bails out the richest money changers in the world.
He who said of children that “the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” now grants pedophiles comfortable pensions.
He who said “Love you neighbor as yourself” now builds fences along the border.
He who said of children that “it is not the will of the Father that even one of these be lost” now looks away with indifference when Iraqi and Afghani children are killed.
My God, forgive us for our blasphemy. What could be a more egregious sin than to re-create you in our own image and likeness in order to justify our own corrupt agendas? Is there hope for us yet? By your grace, “lead us not into temptation and deliver us from all evil.” Amen.