Sunday, June 27, 2010

The PROPHET or the PROFIT ??

Timothy: 6: 9-10 "But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and hurtful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all evils..."

What would Jesus blog about the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico? We sometimes think of Jesus as apolitical and thus somehow irrelevant to our public lives. Jesus and faith are often confined to a private compartment. We don't readily think of Jesus as having opinions about single issue politics and the like. However, his teachings are so deep and universal, that when applied to any specific circumstance that individuals or societies face, they provide clear answers and instructions for righteous decision making and action. The recent oil disaster is first and foremost a function of unbridled human greed. Calling it corporate greed somehow detracts from the individual responsibility that fuels all of a company's movements.

Jesus' teachings address the very heart of things. A great teaching is one that holds up under any circumstance. Its truth is absolute even though the application is relative. To 'love one another' is always right and true. Circumstances may present unique challenges in manifesting this truth but the power and validity of the teaching are eternal. Jesus does not need to speak directly about oil spills for us to discern his position on such matters. In all cases of unbridled greed and corruption, he chastises the agents behind such unrighteousness. We see this position when he chases out the 'moneychangers' from the temple; when he chastises the scribes and Pharisees for their lust of power and prestige; when he feeds the hungry multitudes; when he shows compassion to the marginalized and suffering poor. He is always against greed and always for humble service to one another.

In the case of the BP oil spill, disregard for people, communities, and the planet, and sole regard for profit-making ultimately account for what happened. As long as we continue to justify profit-making at the expense of human dignity and well being; as long as we keep Jesus out of our economic and political lives - then we'll be followers of the wrong profit.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Wheel of God

Luke:12:33 "...provide yourselves with purses that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

In the religion of consumerism, modern culture teaches that "we are what we have" - that human worth is simply one's net worth. This objectification negates the soul-aspect of human beings and creates a black hole of meaninglessness, self-centeredness and entitlement. To whatever extent we believe in the modern credo, we are likely to experience a steady erosion of our soul-life. There is no "i" in soul, only "us". Modern secular culture emphasizes "i" above all else. Individual life, individual well-being and individual wealth are celebrated and encouraged. Of course, this culture of all things "i" fits neatly with excessive consumerism. Being concerned, first and foremost, about our individual state and appearance fosters a great deal of attention and expenditure on our personal desires, needs, preferences, etc... Ironically, as we inflate our sense of "i-ness", the soul withers. Jesus de-emphasizes the importance of individual well-being for communal health. He speaks of individual human life as a body part, vital and important in its own right but nothing if disconnected from the whole. After all, what is a finger worth if it is severed from a body? Yet when connected to a functioning living being, it is a magnificent part that greatly enhances the overall experience and possibilities for that organism. This is how Jesus teaches us to think about our personal lives - as a cog in a great wheel. The purpose and function of the individual cog and thus its true identity can only be understood when in service to the entirety of the wheel. Individual happiness and health or personal wealth are hollow experiences if the community around us is ailing. Our individual lives matter and have purpose only in relation to the entire body that is humanity.

“Help us Lord to rediscover our true identities. Help us to define our lives in the ways You have instructed that we may regain our mental and emotional health: First and foremost in our love and devotion to You; Secondly, as love and devotion to neighbor; Third, as love and forgiveness for our enemies. Praise Your name, Lord Jesus Christ.”